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Timed Assessments – Assignment Settings

Important Settings

When setting up a Moodle Assignment tool for timed assessments, most settings should remain at their default or normal settings, however there are a few settings which must be set differently to a normal coursework submission.

As you set up your assignment make sure to make the following changes.

General > Description

Do not check ‘Display description on course page’. It is still important to put any useful information in this box, including required file-type, details of any specific template required etc.


Allow submissions from: Click checkbox and Set to the start time of ‘Timed Assessment’

Due date: Click checkbox and Set to the finish date/time – 48hours from start

Cut-off date: Click checkbox and Set to same time as finish date/time – Does not allow any late submissions

Grades & feedback release date: Uncheck

Submission types

Submission types: Check only ‘File Submission’.

Maximum submission size: Set to 50Mb. Moodle Assignment will work fine with submissions up to 150Mb, but the maximum size to return a Turnitin Report is 50Mb, so we recommend setting this to 50Mb. If you are expecting students to produce very large documents including many images, this could be set to more than 50Mb, but be aware they might not get a report.

Accepted file types: Always select the required file-type (normally MS Word: .doc, .docx and .pdf)

Common module settings

Link to UNIT-e: Select correct submission element – likely to be an e-Element in this case.

Restrict Access

Access restrictions: Set a date restriction – ‘from’ = start time/date and ‘until’ = Finish time/date and leave visible. Click ‘Add restriction’ and ‘student must match the following, for date ‘from’ and another for date ‘until’, leave the eye unchecked so it remains visible.

Updated on December 1, 2022
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