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Releasing grades and feedback in Moodle with the Assignment activity


When the marking and moderation for your submission point is complete, you will need to follow the two steps below to make the grades and feedback visible to your students. Step one is to reveal the student identities and step two is the actual release process for the grades and feedback. You will need to do both steps in this order.

Please note, if you want the grades you release to also transfer to UNIT-e automatically overnight, you will need to ensure the UNIT-e binding has been enabled in the settings of your assignment before completing the steps below. If the grades are not visible in UNIT-e, please follow the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article.

Revealing student identities

The first step is to turn off the anonymity. To do this, please follow the steps below.

  1. Sign in to your Moodle account and select the course where you would like to release the grades and feedback. Please click on the activity link to open it on a new page.
  2. You will be directed to the dashboard of the submission point. Please click on the ‘View all submissions’ button.
  3. You will be directed to the Grading table where in the ‘Grading action’ drop-down list, you will need to select the option ‘Reveal student identities’.
Screenshot of the 'Grading action' drop-down list (highlighted) under a submission point.
  1. A confirmation pop-up will appear to remind you that once identities are revealed, this process cannot be undone. Click on the ‘Continue’ button if you are happy that the marking for the entire submission point is completed.
Screenshot of the confirmation pop-up window (highlighted) when student identities are about to be revealed under a submission point.

Please note, with this action you will not release the grades and feedback, but reveal the student identities only. The marks will be only sent to the Moodle Gradebook (‘Grade’ menu) in the background of this process which is not a place in the DLE that your students can access at any time, therefore, their grades will not be visible to them at this stage.

Releasing grades and feedback

The second step is to make the grades and feedback visible to your students. To do this, please follow the steps below.

  1. Select the students you want to release the grades and feedback to. If you would like to release them to all students, please tick the box next to the ‘Select’ column.

Please note, your submission point may be over multiple pages. By using the filter at the bottom of the page (‘Assignments per page’) you can select ‘All’ to be shown on the same page. This will be useful in case you would like to select all the student submissions.

  1. Once you selected student submissions, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the ‘Set marking workflow state (Release grades and feedback)’ option from the ‘With selected…’ drop-down list. You will also need to click on the ‘Go’ button.
Screenshot of the 'With selected...' drop-down list (highlighted) and the 'Go' button (highlighted) under a submission point.
  1. A confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm your action. Please click on the ‘OK’ button to proceed.
Screenshot of the confirmation pop-up (highlighted) for releasing the grades and feedback for a submission point.
  1. The next page shows a breakdown of the users selected to change the marking workflow state. Here, you will need to navigate to the ‘In marking’ drop-down list from where you will need to select the ‘Released’ option. If this is the first time you would release the grades and feedback to your students, please also make sure you notify your students.
Screenshot of the 'In marking' drop-down list (highlighted) and the notification related setting (highlighted) under a submission point.
  1. To finalise your action, please click on the ‘Save changes’ button. This will change the workflow status Moodle to ‘Released’ in Moodle which you can track under the ‘Status’ column of the Grading table.

For 48 hour timed assessments, if you have not given feedback and you want your students to access their grades in UNIT-e only (‘Transcript of results’) but not in Moodle, you can then set the ‘Notify students’ setting to ‘No’, so that no e-mail notifications will be sent out to your students and the grades in Moodle will remain hidden, but transfer to UNIT-e by the next day.

However, if you do want your students to access their grades in Moodle first (and then in UNIT-e from the next day), then please set the ‘Notify students’ setting to ‘Yes’. In this case, they will receive an email confirmation from Moodle saying that their grades are visible in Moodle and they can come back to the submission link to view their grades.

Please note, the grades might take 24 hours to transfer to UNIT-e, depending on the fact how early on the day you released the grades and feedback in Moodle. If it is before 4 pm (16:00), the grades should be visible in UNIT-e on the same day, otherwise, on the following morning.

Updated on June 28, 2023
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