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Core marking tools in Turnitin feedback studio

We want to inform you of a January 2025 change that Turnitin recently implemented with the DLE regarding grade and feedback visibility. When grades and feedback are released to some students in a DLE submission point, but other students’ results under the same submission point are not yet set to ‘Released,’ any grades or feedback added directly in Turnitin will now become visible to all students. 
This change will not affect most modules; only those where certain submissions need to be held back before publishing results, while others are ready to be released. If you have any questions or need support, please contact Digital Education at digitaleducation@plymouth.ac.uk


Turnitin Feedback Studio is part of Turnitin which you can use to assess student submissions and provide feedback. Please note, Turnitin is only available through submission points in the DLE as we only use the plugin version rather than the tool separately. This is due to the fact that we wish to store all student paperwork in the DLE. In the Feedback Studio, you will be able to provide:

  • Annotations on text (e.g. comments, quickmarks, strikes)
  • Rubrics and grading forms to assess submissions against criteria and scales
  • Feedback Summary to provide overall feedback upon submissions rather than annotations
  • Voice Comment (to provide audio feedback)

For more information about Turnitin, please look at the ‘Guidance’ section.


Further tutorials and guidance about Turnitin resources can be found:

You may also want to search for other supporting materials regarding Turnitin available here.

Updated on February 3, 2025
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