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Binding your Moodle assignments to UNIT-e


If you planned summative assessments on your course in the DLE/Moodle where the grades need to be automatically transferred to UNIT-e/Student Record System and S4, you will need to ensure the UNIT-e ‘binding’ has been enabled in the settings of the activity.

Things to consider

The grades get automatically transferred to UNIT-e multiple times per day. However, we recommend waiting the next day/24 hours to ensure there was enough time for the systems to complete this process.

You can only link one activity to UNIT-e, so you will not be able to re-use the link. For example, if you have main and referral exam/test, we recommend linking the main one to UNIT-e, whilst the referral assessments’ grades will manually need to be entered in UNIT-e. This can be done by the Module Leaders if they have requested UNIT-e account via the main IT Service Desk or can be also completed by the School/Faculty Offices. Please liaise with them to know which method they prefer.

If you see the following error message, it indicates that the link has been already used once, so you cannot re-use it for another assessment. Each link can be used for one activity only – please do not save the settings of the activity. If you think the link should have not been used (so it is accidentally linked to an incorrect activity), you will need to search for the link in the settings of each activity. This is a manual process – unfortunately there is no easy way to search for it. Once you found the link, please unlink the activity and then link it with the assessment.

If you have an assessment separated out to multiple submission points or quizzes in the DLE, you will not be able to link all these activities to UNIT-e as each link can be used once only for one activity. In this case, we recommend setting up an empty submission point which you can use as a placeholder to upload the final grades (calculated from the multiple activities) and automatically transfer them to UNIT-e. This activity can be linked to UNIT-e.


To bind your ‘Assignment’ activities to UNIT-e, please follow the steps below.

  1. Please turn on editing mode with the toggle switch at the top-right corner, and then navigate to the settings of the activity.
  2. Please scroll down to the ‘Common module settings’ section where you will need to select the appropriate assessment placeholder from the drop-down list next to the setting called ‘Link to UNIT-e’.
  1. Once that is done, please ensure you save the settings.

You can now mark the submissions and release the grades to the students. If the grades did not appear in UNIT-e and 24 hours has already passed, please complete the following troubleshooting steps.


To bind your ‘Quiz’ activities to UNIT-e, please follow the steps below.

Please note, with quizzes we only recommend binding them to UNIT-e once the marking process has been finished and the grades were moderated as the grades will get transferred to UNIT-e immediately (at the time of marking), even if the marks have not been released yet. For ‘Assignments’ this is different – you can pre-link them to UNIT-e.

  1. Please turn on editing mode with the toggle switch at the top-right corner, and then navigate to the settings of the activity.
  2. Please scroll down to the ‘Common module settings’ section where you will need to select the appropriate assessment placeholder from the drop-down list next to the setting called ‘Link to UNIT-e’.
  1. Once that is done, please ensure you save the settings.

You can now release the grades to the students. If the grades did not appear in UNIT-e and 24 hours has already passed, please contact Digital Education.

Updated on July 4, 2024
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