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How do students access their feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio?

How to access Turnitin?

If you have provided feedback upon student submissions inside Turnitin, then students will be able to access it there as well. Please note that this feedback will not be displayed in Moodle, as the grades would, but can be accessible only within Turnitin.

This practically means that the students would need to navigate to the submission point where they have uploaded/submitted their work and where the grades will also be visible to them once they have been released.

Screenshot of the display of the ‘Submission status’ for a student (including the released grades and feedback: highlighted) within an ‘Assignment’ activity of the DLE.

Under their submission, there should be a percentage number displayed which is their Originality/Similarity report that the tool has automatically generated if it has been turned on for the ‘Assignment’ activity. They would need to click on that or the blue pencil icon to open their submission and access their released feedback via Turnitin. If a Rubric or Grading Form was used, this will be also accessible there as well. Please note, the blue squares on this page only show the template of the rubric/grading form that was used for the submissions, not the actual feedback provided within them.

Screenshot of the display of the submission (highlighted) and of the Turnitin icons (highlighted) under it within an ‘Assignment’ activity of the DLE.

Once they are in Turnitin…

Once the student submissions have been opened via Turnitin, there are a couple of feedback types the students can look for, depending on which method you use. We would always recommend letting them know in advance, so they know what to look at.

Feedback panel

Audio and textual content, Rubrics, and GradeForms

The students might need to look for audio or textual feedback, Rubrics or GradeForms in the side-window within Turnitin. In this case, they would need to click on the ‘Instructor feedback’ menu which has a blue ‘chat’ icon.

Screenshot of the display of the side-window feedback types (highlighted) of a student submission within Turnitin.

Originality/Similarity report

The students can also access their Originality/Similarity report upon their submissions:

  • ‘Match overview’ – in this sub-menu, they can review all the resources the tool has found upon their submissions, and this is also the place where their final/overall report (percentage) would be displayed.
Screenshot of the display of the ‘Match overview’ sub-menu (highlighted: percentage and a resource) within Turnitin.
  • ‘All sources’ – in this sub-menu, they can review all the resources the tool has found upon their submissions, and this is also the place where the report (percentage) would be displayed upon each resource.
Screenshot of the display of the ‘All sources’ sub-menu (highlighted: all resources) within Turnitin.
  • ‘Filters’ – in this sub-menu, they can turn on their filters to see whether these have affected their final/overall report, such as excluding bibliography (also known as references), quotes, or sources less than a pre-defined percentage or words.
Screenshot of the display of the ‘Filters’ (highlighted: filters related to quotes, bibliography and sources) sub-menu within Turnitin.

Other features

The students can also download their submissions with or without the provided feedback within Turnitin, and they can also get a digital receipt about the tool receiving the paper and generating a report about it as a part of confirmation.

Screenshot of the display of the ‘download’ button (highlighted) within Turnitin.
Screenshot of the display of the downloadable options (highlighted) within Turnitin.

For general information about their submissions within Turnitin, including the used feedback types and numbers of them, they can click on the ‘i’ icon.

Screenshot of the display of the general information icon (highlighted) of a student submission within Turnitin.
Screenshot of the display of the included general information (highlighted) of a student submission within Turnitin.


The students might need to look for comments that have been added to the submissions. In this case, they would need to look for a ‘chat’ icon within the text on what they can click, so the comment would be displayed on an expanded window.

Screenshot of the display of the ‘Comment’ section (highlighted) as a feedback type of a student submission within Turnitin.

Inline textual comments

The students might need to look for inline textual comments that have been added to the submissions. In this case, they would need to look for a blue textual content appearing above their text.

Screenshot of the display of the textual input (highlighted) as a feedback type of a student submission within Turnitin.


The students might need to look for strikes that have been added to their submissions. In this case, they would need look for the parts of the textual content that contain the strike font style.

Screenshot of the display of the textual content that contains the strike font style (highlighted) as a feedback type of a student submission within Turnitin.


The students might need to look for QuickMarks that have been added to the submissions. In this case, they would need to look for a blue box within the text on what they can click, so the description of the QuickMark would be displayed on an expanded window.

Screenshot of the display of the ‘QuickMark’ section (highlighted) as a feedback type of a student submission within Turnitin.
Updated on February 22, 2024
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