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Moving a workbook or an e-portfolio between workspaces in PebblePad

PebblePad allows you to create workbooks or e-portfolios for the students so they can shape and develop their skill sets, while PebblePad (ATLAS) is developed as an institutional space to support learning activities such as PebblePad resources which are organised into workspaces.

In this article, we will show how to move a workbook or an e-portfolio between workspaces in PebblePad (ATLAS).

How to move a workbook or an e-portfolio between workspaces in PebblePad (ATLAS)

To move a workbook or an e-portfolio between workspaces in PebblePad (ATLAS), please follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your Moodle account.
  2. You will see a navigation bar appearing on the top left side of the screen. Click on ‘Tools and Resources’ and then select ‘My e-portfolio’ from the drop-down menu.
Screenshot of selecting ‘My e-Portfolio’ (highlighted) from the drop-down list under ‘Tools and Resources’.
  1. You will be directed to the PebblePad website where you need to log in with your academic IT account.
Screenshot of selecting ‘I have an IT account at this organisation’’ (highlighted) from the options that pop up during the login process of PebblePad.
  1. You will see a navigation bar appearing on the top left side of your screen. Click on the blue ball icon to be directed to PebblePad (ATLAS).
Screenshot of clicking on the PebblePad (ATLAS) icon (highlighted) in the navigation bar of PebblePad.
  1. You will see the dashboard of your PebblePad (ATLAS) account. Please select the workspace on the list from where you would like to move a workbook or e-portfolio.
Screenshot of clicking on the ‘Submission’ menu (highlighted) in the navigation in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. If you would like to move all of them, then alternatively, you can tick the box where it says ‘Submission Details’.
Screenshot of ticking the boxes next to workbooks (highlighted) in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. Click on the ‘Manage submissions’ menu in the sub-navigation bar that appears under the main navigation bar.
Screenshot of clicking on the ‘Manage submissions’ button (highlighted) in the sub-navigation bar in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. A new page will open where you need to select the second option where it says ‘Move to another workspace (with the option to retain submission(s) on the current workspace)’.
Screenshot of selecting the second option (’Move to another workspace’) (highlighted) in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. As you have chosen the second option, a new section will appear where you need to select a workspace from the drop-down list. This is going to be the workspace where the workbook or the e-portfolio will be stored.
Screenshot of selecting a workspace (highlighted) from the drop-down list in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. If you would like to save a copy in the original location, then you need to tick the following box, otherwise, keep it unticked.
Screenshot of ticking the box where it says ‘Also a version in the original location’ (highlighted) in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. Click on the ‘Continue’ button to finalise your action.
Screenshot of clicking on the ‘Continue’ button (highlighted) in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. A new page will open up where you will be able to get additional information about the status of your workbooks or e-portfolios. Please make sure that all of the fields are ticked (green checkmark), otherwise, you will not be able to move them. In this case, please contact the Digital Education team.
Screenshot of the status of workbooks (including checkboxes and additional information) (highlighted) in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. You will see a yellow window appearing below this table. Please make sure you tick the box where it says ‘I have read this information and wish to continue’.
Screenshot of the yellow window (highlighted: ticking the box where it says ‘I have read this information and wish to continue’) that appears below the status of the workbooks in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. Click on the ‘Continue’ button to finalise your action.
Screenshot of clicking on the ‘Continue’ button (highlighted) in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. You will be directed to the dashboard of the student submissions. You will see a confirmation notification in a green line appearing above the list, where it says ‘3 submissions were moved successfully’ as in this case, we moved 3 workbooks/e-portfolios to another workspace. You can also double-check the success of the process if you use the search bar to search for these submissions as they should no longer appear on the list.
Screenshot of the dashboard of the student submissions (highlighted), including the confirmation notification of the moved workbooks (highlighted) in PebblePad (ATLAS).

Who can move a workbook or an e-portfolio between workspaces

Please keep in mind that only ‘Lead Tutors’ are able to move a workbook or an e-portfolio between workspaces. To check the ‘Lead Tutors’ in PebblePad (ATLAS), please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the ‘Managers’ menu in the navigation bar that appears on the top left side of the screen.
Screenshot of clicking on the ‘Management’ menu (highlighted) in the navigation bar in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. A new page will open up with a sub-navigation bar. Click on the ‘Manager’s menu.
Screenshot of clicking on the ‘Managers’ menu (highlighted) in the sub-navigation bar in PebblePad (ATLAS).
  1. You will see the list of members. Please make sure ‘Lead Tutor’ is highlighted.
Screenshot of the role types (highlighted: ‘Lead Tutor’) of a PebblePad (ATLAS) workspace.

Please visit the following article if you would like to add a new manager to your workspace.

Updated on February 8, 2022
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