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Marking Moodle media submissions


Moodle allows you to ask for student submissions (such as audio, videos, or narrated presentations) by using the ‘Assignment’ activity. It also allows you to grade inside or outside of Moodle and to use different feedback types.

In this article, we will show you how to mark media submissions in Moodle by using the blue ‘Grade’ button.

Please note, we do not recommend grading the media submissions outside of Moodle as usually, the media submissions (such as audio, video, or narrated presentations) have higher file sizes which may take up to a few hours before all the files get downloaded to your machine, depending on your Internet connection. As such, we recommend using the blue ‘Grade’ button (inside Moodle). If you still wish to add your grades to the downloaded grading worksheet and then upload it back to Moodle, please follow the instructions outlined in this article.

Using the blue Grade button

Once you received student submissions, you will then need to use the blue ‘Grade’ button in the Grading table in order to mark the uploaded media files. To do this, please follow the steps below.

  1. Sign into your Moodle account, search for the relevant course, navigate to the submission point, and then click on the ‘View all submissions’ button in order to access the Grading table.
  2. Once you are there, you will be able to access the student submissions including the media files and any supplementary files (for example, presentations, PDF files, Word documents) you asked your students to upload to Moodle. (Please note, in this case, anonymity is turned off but for your submission point it might be still enabled at that time, so you cannot access the student names but only the generated participant numbers by Moodle, for example, Participant_12556868′ before you are ready for the marks and feedback to be released to your students).
Screenshot of the Grading table (highlighted) under a submission point.
  1. As per usual, you will need to click on the blue ‘Grade’ button next to a student submission in order to access the Grading window where you can:
  • Access information regarding the uploaded files (including accessing the media files by clicking on the green ‘View submission’ button)
  • Add your grade, grading status, and the marker
  • Provide feedback as comments or as uploaded files

For more information about the elements of the Grading window, please visit the following supporting material. You will need to mark and provide feedback on the submission as if it was a regular file, not a media file.

Screenshot of the information regarding the submission (including an uploaded media file) (highlighted) in the Grading window.

Alternatively, you can also access the media files directly from the Grading table by clicking on the ‘View submission’ button under the ‘Video Assignment’ column as shown below. The supplementary files can be also downloaded directly from here by clicking on their title.

Screenshot of the 'View Submission' button under the 'Video Assignment' column (highlighted) of the Grading table.

Saving and releasing grades/feedback

Once you have completed the marking process, and you are ready to share the results with your students, you can then release the grades and feedback for the submission point as per usual. For more information about the process, please visit the following supporting material.

Updated on June 29, 2023
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