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How to set up an online submission point for Referral Coursework


Moodle assignments can be used for formative and summative assessments and formal exams (including referrals) to evaluate student understanding of course material within a semester. This activity supports a wide range of submission types, including regular submission points, media submission points, placeholder/empty submission points, and many more.

In this article, we will show you how to set up an ‘Assignment’ activity for referrals in your Moodle course.

How to add an Assignment activity to your Moodle course

To add an ‘Assignment’ activity to your Moodle course, please follow the steps in the following article.

How to set up an Assignment activity in your Moodle course

To set up an ‘Assignment’ activity in your Moodle course, please follow the steps in the following article.

Restrict Access

During a regular online submission point, we usually recommend leaving the ‘Restrict Access’ setting on default, however, when it comes to referrals, we recommend restricting the access to the activity to make sure that only those students will be able to complete the task who supposed to. The ones who should not re-submit their work, will not be able to as the activity would be hidden from them.

To do this, please follow the steps below.

Group setup

Before you apply the restriction to the activity in terms of its access, you will need to create a group with the referral students. To do this, please follow the steps in the following article.

We recommend naming the group, for example, ‘Referral Group’, ‘Referral Coursework’, and so on, to make sure you will recognise its purpose. This is going to be the group that you will use as a condition to restrict access to the ‘Assignment’ activity.

Changing the settings

Once you created the group and allocated the referrals to it, you will then need to apply the restriction which you can do in the settings of the ‘Assignment’ activity. To do this, please follow the steps below:

  1. Please navigate to the last section in the settings of the ‘Assignment’ activity where it says ‘Restrict Access’.
  2. Once you are there, please click on the ‘Add Restriction’ button.
Screenshot of the ‘Add restriction’ button (highlighted) under the ‘Restrict Access’ section.
  1. A new window will pop up where you will need to select ‘Group’ as the restricted access will be based on that condition.
Screenshot of the display of the condition types (highlighted: ‘Group’) under the ‘Restrict Access’ section.
  1. Please make sure you set up the condition in the following way: ‘Student [must] match the following Group [Group name]’. Please also make sure you click on the ‘eye’ icon which will prevent the activity from being displayed for the students who are not allocated to this group.
Screenshot of the conditions of the restriction (highlighted) in the settings of the 'Assignment' activity.
Updated on June 29, 2023
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