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Marking online using the blue Grade button, grading one submission at a time


Moodle allows you to ask for student submissions (such as essays, presentations, or projects) by using the ‘Assignment’ activity. Once the deadline for the submission point has passed and you are ready to mark the uploaded files, you can then select between two main methods to add your grades and feedback:

In this article, we will show you how to grade student submissions online by using the blue ‘Grade’ button in Moodle. This is the button that will navigate you to the Grading window.

Using the blue Grade button

To grade submissions by using the blue ‘Grade’ button, please follow the steps below.

  1. Please navigate to the Grading table by clicking on the ‘View all submissions’ button on the submission point dashboard and then select a student submission you wish to grade. Please click on the blue ‘Grade’ button next to this paperwork.
  2. You will be directed to the Grading window where you will need to get familiar with the following sections.
  • Submission
  • Grade
  • Feedback

On this page, you will also be able to navigate back to the:

  • Main course/DLE page
  • Dashboard or the settings of the submission point
  • Grading table to view all the submissions
  • User profile of the student in Moodle
  • Next submission or a specific submission by selecting a user (‘Change user’ drop-down list)
Screenshot of the navigation bar (highlighted) in the Grading window of a student submission.


In this section, you will be able to find information regarding the student submission, such as:

  • Submission status which indicates the time of the submission
  • Marking workflow status which indicates the status of the grading process
  • Editing permission which indicates whether the submissions are locked or can be still updated by your students (if the deadline passed and the uploaded files get updated, they will be captured as late submissions in Moodle)
  • Name and date of the submission
  • Turnitin Originality/Similarity report
  • Any comment added by the student
Screenshot of the 'Submission' section (highlighted) in the Grading window of a student submission.


In this section, you will be able to:

  • Add your mark to the submission (depending on the grading strategy you selected to be used in the settings of the submission point, such as points, scales, or none)
  • Set the marking workflow for the submission (please note, the status will always be visible to your students, but the grade only at the stage of releasing the grades and feedback)
  • Allocated Marker (if you used the ‘Marker’ filter for submission point)
  • Current grade in the Gradebook if there is (also known as the ‘Grades’ menu which is invisible to your students and is not the identical with UNIT-e)
Screenshot of the 'Grade' section (highlighted) in the Grading window of a student submission.


In this section, you will be able to provide feedback in various ways, such as:

  • Feedback comments (such as textual information, images, audio, and videos)
  • Feedback files (such as documents, images, presentations, audio, videos, and many more)
Screenshot of the 'Feedback' section (highlighted) in the Grading window of a student submission.

Final step

Please note, the ‘Notify students’ option will not do anything until you change the marking workflow to ‘Released’, as per instructed here.

Once you added the grade and feedback to the submission, you will need to click on the ‘Save changes’ button. Please note, we do not recommend using the ‘Save and show next’ button. If you have already added a grade or it was an accident, you can also reset it to default.

Screenshot of the 'Notify students', 'Save Changes', 'Save and show next' and the 'Reset' buttons (highlighted) in the Grading window of a student submission.

Once you saved the process, you will be directed back to the Grading table where you can view all the submissions. To grade the next student paperwork, you will need to repeat the same steps above.

Updated on June 28, 2023
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