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Duplicating a workspace in PebblePad


In PebblePad ATLAS, you have the option to create a workspace from new, but if you already have a workspace set up it might be easier to duplicate that workspace. This is useful for example if you want to create a new workspace for a new cohort and want to keep the settings from the existing workspace.

Not all staff have a sufficient role to allow them to create or duplicate a workspace in ATLAS. Having that role would mean they would have access to all workspaces in a region, hence access is limited to only a few. If you need help duplicating a workspace or believe you should have the role applied to do this, contact Digital Education.

Find existing workspace to duplicate

  1. Login to PebblePad and select the blue ATLAS button. Then you will be taken to the ATLAS dashboard page which shows a few sections for things you have previously worked on or have access to.
  2. Within the section titled ‘Workspaces I am managing‘, find and select the workspace you with you duplicate from.

Duplicating a workspace

  1. Select the Management button followed by Settings.
  2. Select the Duplicate workspace button.
  3. Select the options you wish to carry over to the new workspace.

Good to know

When duplicating a workspace there are some important things to be aware of:

  • Any custom permissions applied to members and managers are not carried over. So you will need to update these again manually if required. PebblePad ATLAS incorrectly says these will be copied over but they will not be so please check.
  • If copying the assignment settings, remember to update the deadlines for these.
  • Remember to double-check the resources, such as if you have also duplicated last year’s resources and made some changes, you will want to also re-add the new resources to this workspace.

Further information

For further information about creating new workspaces including duplicating existing ones, view the ATLAS Help page by PebblePad.

Updated on December 1, 2022
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