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Why are my student submissions not showing in Moodle?

There are a couple of reasons why the student submissions are not displayed under an ‘Assignment’ activity in a Moodle course.

Error message: ‘Nothing to display’

One of the reasons could be that a filter has been turned on by mistake which then would filter out the submissions. In this case, you would see the following error message appearing on your screen ‘nothing to display’.

Screenshot of the display of the ‘Nothing to display’ error message (highlighted) under an ‘Assignment’ activity within a DLE course.

To resolve this issue, please scroll down to the ‘Options’ section under a submission point, which is located below the submissions. There will be a number of drop-down filters that you would need to turn off in order to display the submissions again:

  1. ‘Assignments per page’ – with this filter, you could decide whether you would like all the submissions to appear on the same page or should be separated into multiple pages. We would recommend leaving this setting to ‘All’.
  2. ‘Filter’ – with this filter, you could filter the submissions based on whether they were submitted, require an extension, or grading.
  3. ‘Marker filter’ – with this filter, you could filter the submissions based on their allocation to the lecturers, who would be the markers, in this case.
  4. ‘Workflow filter’ – with this filter, you could filter the submissions based on their status, which would depend on the marking process, whether they have been tagged as not started yet, in progress, complete, or released.

Please make sure all these filters are set to ‘No filter’ which then would force the submissions to re-appear once the DLE page has been refreshed.

If this process does not resolve the issue, then please navigate to the top of the page, specifically to the alphabet filter which can be used to filter the submissions based on the student names. Please make sure both of these (’First name’ and ‘Surname’) are set to ‘All’, not highlighting any specific letter.

If the submissions would still not appear, please contact the Digital Education team.

Viewing submissions from suspended students

The other reason could be that some of the students have been suspended from a module, which then would change their status in the DLE from ‘Active’ to ‘Suspended’. You can double-check this information under the ‘Participants’ menu which appears in the left-hand navigation bar of a DLE site.

Screenshot of the display of the ‘Suspended’ status (highlighted) next to a student under the ‘Participants’ menu within a DLE course.

If students are ‘suspended’, then they would be no longer able to view the activities/tasks that you have given to them, such as completing quizzes, writing comments under a ‘Forum’ activity, or submitting files to a submission point. They can only access the content in the ‘read-only’ view.

However, if you would still like to access their submissions, then you would need to navigate to a submission point where under the ‘Options’ section, you would need to untick the box where it says ‘Show only active enrolments’.

Screenshot of the display of the active enrolment submissions box (highlighted) of the ‘Options’ section (highlighted) under an ‘Assignment’ activity within a DLE course.

Please note that these student submissions would be greyed out, however, you would be still able to access their files.

Screenshot of the display of a greyed-out suspended user (highlighted) under an ‘Assignment’ activity within a DLE course.

Being enrolled as a ‘Non-editing teacher’

If you are enrolled on a DLE site as a ‘Non-editing teacher’, then you would not be able to view the student submissions unless you are allocated to a group of students. This practice can be used, for example, if it is a group submission or multiple markers would participate in the grading process.

If it is an individual submission, with no markers being used for the submission point, then please contact one of the tutors or the Module Leader who should then change your role from ‘Non-editing teacher’ to ‘Teacher’.

Updated on July 2, 2023
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