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  3. How to clone a form in Form²

How to clone a form in Form²

What is cloning?

Cloning a form will create an exact copy of the original forms fields and text/labels, resulting in a new form containing only the content in the ‘Fields’ tab from the original form. Therefore, when cloning a form, not all external conditions will be copied to the new form and these will need to be re-created.
For example: deadline dates, reminders, groups, pre-population sheets, web-links and workflows.

Why clone a form?

Cloning a form will make the creating of a new form a lot quicker. If there is a year 1 form that is used in year 2, all the fields will be set up within the form. The fields should match the ADB elements and pre-population should be easily replicated. The external conditions will need adding.

Cloning a form

  1. Select the form you wish to clone.
  2. Select the green ‘Clone’ button.
  3. Identify and select the workspace the cloned form will be created in. If you are unsure which workspace is relevant, check with the relevant person.

Once the form has been cloned you will see a green confirmation message stating ‘Form successfully cloned’.

  1. Select the blue ‘Edit’ button to change the name of the cloned form.

Note: The new cloned form name will have ‘(Cloned)’ appended to the end of the original form name until you renamed it.

  1. On the Edit Form page set the new form:
    ‘Title’, (removing clone from the end)
  1. Select the owner as your team. (Not yourself) Select Save
Updated on October 7, 2021

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