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Creating groups and assigning members in Form²


Why we are using groups in Form². Form² groups are required to allow students, admin and tutors to view different forms or dashboards, related to that group. If a form has no group(s), no one can access the form unless via a web-link. By using groups we can control who can access the forms.

Every year for the new year 1s, a new group will be needed. Every year the forms will need the groups to be changed. Students that are repeating will need to be moved into the lower year group.

The naming protocol

The naming protocol used for each group features the programme (e.g. BMBS/BDS/BDTH/PA) and the year the students started. For example ‘BMBS 2019/20’

  1. On the left-hand panel select Groups.
  2. Select the green button ‘Create group’.
  3. Enter the groups name in the ‘Title’ field. Note: The Title should reflect the programme and the year the students started or the associated group such as admin/tutors etc. If you are unsure about naming groups, please see Naming protocols
  4. The Parent holds all the student within that school, if you are unsure leave this as (None), it can be changed later.
  5. The Owner, select your team (Not yourself).
  6. Click ‘Save’ to create the new group

Assigning members to a group

Before adding members, the members should already be added as users. New users can be allocated to groups when first been added.

Having made the group, to add members:

  1. Select the Green button ‘Bulk assign members’
  2. In the Users panel, enter the university email address of each user to add to the group.

Usernames will not work.

  1. Ensure each email address is on a new line.
  2. Select Assign.

You can also use this method to assign a single user to a group.

Updated on October 7, 2021
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