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Editing a form in Form²

Editing a form

If there are submissions on the form, a forms can be edited but only the wording. You will be unable to add any new structure, such as a new question. To add a new question all the submissions will need removing. However, hold off on doing that, some forms do NOT have submissions deleted. If you delete submissions, there is NO returning them back to the form.

The best option will be to clone the form.
Important forms that should be looked out for.
BMBS Clinical log
Dental Form S, Form R and Form Ts
RAD Clinical logs

Editing the sitting section

Some assessments have a second sitting, instead of having 2 forms exactly the same, some schools change the sitting number. The sitting number may be in the form or in the pre-population.

  1. Select the form you wish to edit.
  2. Click ‘Fields’.
  3. Click the ‘Edit fields’ button.

To edit a form it needs to be un-published, if you find your form is published. Go to the ‘Status’ tab and click the red Un-publish button. More instructions can be found on the Form2 How to Edit a LIVE form.

Form2 allows some editing while there are submissions on the form, but if you require more structural changes you will need to delete all the submissions off the form. If you wish to keep these submissions for reference, use the Form2 How to Export Submissions from a form.

To edit the sitting and use the form again.
Click on the sitting field and the content panel will appear on the right, this is where you edit the content sitting 1 to 2.

You can edit other sections on the page in the same manner.

Adding a new question.

Select from the left hand column, the question type.

System Names

Within Form², system names must be unique and contain no spaces. Looking at the system name across and breaking it down from left to right.


For a code to reach the ADB, the code must start with ADB_

The fe_001 is the question code that the ADB is looking for. Then this needs to be placed next.
In the middle of the code we have placed a comma (,) between the code, and the title of the question. ,Number_of_patients, this is to identify the question on the PDF that both the student and assessor receives.

The Title

This is the title of the field, for a question, the title will be the question.


This is where any description or instructions should be placed.


Each question will require options; in this example, we have used a question with radio buttons. It is formatted using a vertical line (|) between the code that is sent to the ADB and the text that the user will see.
e.g. Y|Yes and N|No
The Y and N will be sent to the ADB (if these are incorrect the form will not go to the ADB) and the Yes and No will be seen by the user.


There are two options Always or Conditional. Always, means it is not hidden and the user will always see the question. Conditional allows you to place a condition so the question can be hidden until that condition is met.


You can make fields and sections read only. Such as fields with pre-defined data required for the ADB like the assessment codes.


This is where we can locked down questions so the form cannot be submitted if a question has not been answered.


Masked is used to hide a section from users, such as assessment codes or staff IDs which the ADB requires.

Editing a feedback/text area

Select the text box you wish to edit and the content panel will appear on the right, this is where you edit the content of the text box.

Assessor Signature

Within the assessor information area, Default Value’ has been set and will be automatically populated using the pre-population CSV when the form is published. e.g.{{assessor.id}} {{assessor.email}} {{assessor.name}}.

Once finished, Click Save.

Updated on January 31, 2023
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