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  3. How to find the Assessor web-link in Form²

How to find the Assessor web-link in Form²

An assessor web-link allows anyone to access a form via a link without having to sign-in to Form². Providing a web-link can be particularly useful for external assessors who are not registered on Form². With that said, for external assessors we must make sure they have a UOP email address and an account in the ADB before using the form, this is to ensure Form² can identify their credentials and submit their marking.

There are hidden fields in the forms which identify who the marking assessor is, without this login information you may not know who marked the assessment.

  1. Select the form you wish to add or find the web-link for.
  2. Select the ‘Distribution’ Tab.
  3. Select the ‘Web’ tab.

Under the title ‘Settings’ you will see a message stating if web distribution is enabled or disabled. If disabled please continue to the next page, if enabled please see below.

The web-link shown will allow your assessor to access the form without a Form² login. You will need to copy, paste and email the web-link to any assessor(s) that require access to the form.

If the web-link is closed, the assessor will not be able to see the form.
If the Form is not published the assessor will not be able to see the form.
If the pre-population is not published the assessor will not be able to see the form.

If you can see the message ‘Web distribution is disabled for this form’, follow these steps to generate a web-link.

  1. Select the blue ‘Configure’ button.
  2. Tick the ‘Enable web distribution’ box.

Greeting and On Completion message. You can optionally set ‘Greeting’ and ‘On Completion’ messages for users accessing and submitting your form. You can use the default text or add your own custom message.

Once happy with the messages, select Save. You will now see a web-link that will allow your assessor to access the form without a Form² login. You will need to copy, paste and email the web-link to any assessor(s) that require access to the form.

Updated on October 7, 2021
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