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Timed Assessments with a Moodle online submission

Using a 24 or 48 hour timed Moodle coursework submission in lieu of an exam

Many modules now have to set up a timed submission in Moodle using the assignment tool to replace an invigilated exam. These submissions need to be set up to appear automatically at a certain release date set by the exams office, then allow a 24 or 48 hour window for students to submit their work after which the submission will lock. Instructions for this are given below.

Stage 1: Setup

You will need to set up an online submission in Moodle using the assignment tool. This will differ in setup from a regular online submission as it has additional timed restrictions set. Details of these settings are available in Timed Assessments – Assignment settings.

Stage 2: Marking and Feedback

There are a number of ways you can mark and give feedback when you have used Moodle online submission. Help materials on the difference options are below.

Stage 3: Releasing Grades and feedback

Once you have completed your marking, feedback and internal moderation processes you will need to release the marks and feedback to students. This process will allow students to see the marks and feedback in Moodle and it will transfer the grades to UNIT-e overnight. There are 3 steps to follow in this stage shown below.

Step 1. Remove the hide restriction and ensure the question paper is no longer in the submission description

Step 2. Reveal the student identities

Guidance on how to reveal student identities and remove the anonymity

Step 3. Release the grades and feedback

Guidance on how to release grades and feedback

Student Help and Guidance

Moodle link for students.

Student guide to submitting to a Moodle online submission

Moodle Quizzes for Timed Assessments

In some specific cases the Moodle quiz tool is being used for timed assessment. If you wish to do this, it is important that you get it approved by the ADTL in your Faculty, and read this technical Moodle link – help and guidance.

Updated on July 2, 2023
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