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  3. How to manage the way the students can join a Zoom meeting

How to manage the way the students can join a Zoom meeting

Zoom allows you to control how your students can join a meeting and what they can do whilst they are in it. You can configure some of these settings:

For more information, about how to join a Zoom meeting as a participant, using different devices, please visit the following Zoom help material.

To learn the basics of how to join a Zoom meeting as a participant, using different devices, please visit their Learning Center website.

To learn the basics of the security settings you can set up to restrict the access to the Zoom meeting, please visit their Learning Center website.

Authenticated User

The ‘Authenticated User’ feature allows you to limit joining to ’Internal Users Only’ or **’Sign in to Zoom’. The first option practically means that your students would only be able to join the meeting if they use their university e-mail addresses, while the latter would allow anyone in, in case, they have a Zoom account.

For more information about the process, please read the following Zoom help material.

Please note that setting this to the first option has advantages for correct and easy identification and reporting, however, it will also prevent guests such as external speakers and DAS support from joining. Please also note that before you would use this feature, you would need to enable it in the web client.

For more information about the process, please read the following Zoom help material.

Preventing Renaming

This feature will allow you to control whether your students would be able to rename themselves during a Zoom meeting. Disabling this option in the settings of the Zoom meeting will stop them being able to do so. We recommend using this feature, as it will prevent further confusion in terms of recognising your students if they would be able to change their names.

This setting can be found in the web client, under the ‘Meeting (Basic)’ sub-menu settings.

For more information about the process, please read the following Zoom help material.

Waiting Rooms

This feature will put your students and/or other participants to be kept in a waiting room until being accepted into the meeting by the Host or Co-Host. This could give you the time to prepare for the session.

Please note that any late comers will also need to be accepted individually or all together if there are more than one waiting at the same time. To prevent this extra acceptance, you can turn off this feature once you have started the Zoom meeting.

Please also note that if you do not set up a ‘Passcode’ for the meeting, then Zoom will automatically give you a Waiting Room, so if you wish to not have it, then you must set up a ‘Passcode’.

For more information about the process, please read the following Zoom help material.


This feature allows you to set up a password for your Zoom meeting which your students need to have in order to join/attend.

For more information about the process, please read the following Zoom help material.

Ask Students to help themselves

It is important to stress to students the importance of joining Zoom meetings using their University e-mail addresses and to make sure they join from the Zoom App, but not through a web-browser, as this does not offer the same level of the functionality.

If they need further help, please point them towards the support pages which can be found within our Moodle.

Updated on September 5, 2022

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