What are deadline dates & reminders?
Within SparkForms there are options for setting a deadline and create automated reminders for users assigned to a form.
Once a forms set deadline date and time has passed, the form then becomes unavailable to users assigned to that form (via a group or web distribution). It will then only be available in the admin section.
The main reason to set deadlines is to not allow all forms to be available at the start of term or year. As this has the potential to cause confusion to staff and students required to access them. It’s better to provide forms just in time to prevent accidental user submission error.
Deadline dates
- Go to the form admin page you want to set a deadline for.
- Select the ‘Workflow’ tab button.
- Select the ‘Deadline’ tab button.
- Click the blue ‘Configure’ button.
- Tick ‘Specify a deadline’ checkbox to unlock the date and time fields.
- Set or amend the time and date to when you would like the form to no longer be accessible to students.
- Click on the blue ‘Save’ button.
- Note that you can amend a deadline by selecting the ‘Configure’ button.
- Go to the form admin page you want to set a reminder for.
- Select the ‘Workflow’ tab button.
- Select the ‘Deadline’ tab button.
- Click the blue ‘Configure’ button.
- To set a reminder: Click on the green ‘+ Add reminder’ button.
- Set or amend the time and date, and choose whom you want the reminders to be sent to:
- All users.
- Users with a submission.
- Users without a submission.
- Tick the ‘Custom Message’ box, to add a message to the reminder email.
- Notice the eye button to the right which allows you to preview the custom email message.
- Click on the blue ‘Save’ button.
- Note that you can amend a set reminder by selecting the ‘Configure’ button.