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  3. Assign & Un-assign forms to Groups in Form²

Assign & Un-assign forms to Groups in Form²

What are groups in Form2 and how are they used?

A group in Form2 is a collection of users. Student groups have been created for each programme and stage with access to some forms being controlled via these groups to ensure only forms relevant to a programme and stage are visible to the student.

Assign a group to a form

  1. Open the form you want to assign a group or groups to.
  2. Select the ‘Distribution’ tab.
  3. Select the ‘Groups’ sub-tab.
  4. Select ‘Assign groups’ and tick the group or groups that should have access to the form.
  5. Select ‘Save’ to apply the groupings.

Un-assign a group from a form

  1. Open the form you want to un-assign a group or groups from.
  2. Select the ‘Distribution’ tab.
  3. Select the ‘Groups’ sub-tab.
  4. Under the ‘Assigned’ heading, select the group or groups you want to un-assign.
  5. Select the ‘Un-assign’ button.
  6. In the popup, select ‘OK’ to confirm your decision.
Updated on October 7, 2021
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