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Adding a user in Form²

Add a user to Form2

To login to Form2, students, tutors and administrators need a user account in Form2. User accounts need to be added manually and can be created individually or via a bulk import by an existing user with the role of User Administrator or higher.

Add an individual user

To check if the user has an account. Click the arrow next to the Name (highlighted in blue), this will bring up a text box (highlighted in yellow). Type in the user’s name press the green tick button.

If the user is not there:

  1. Click the green ‘+ Add user’ button.
  2. Select to enable the checkbox for ‘Use remote authentication (via SAML)’. This is important so the user can use their UoP login credentials.
  3. Input the users name and email address.
  4. Under Roles, for tutors and students, do not select any roles. Roles are mainly useful for admin who will need to action certain tasks. Do not assign a role to anyone else without checking with Digital Education first. This is important due to data security.
  5. Under Groups, for tutors select ‘Academic Tutors’ or for students, select the relevant cohort group.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The user will now be able to login to Form2 using their UoP login credentials.

Add users via bulk import

Before adding a new student cohort through bulk import, it is advised to create the new group first then you can allocate that group when actioning a bulk import. Else this will need to be actioned separately which takes longer. The risk for not assigning users to the correct group is they may not then have access to certain forms assigned to the group.

Pre-requisites prior to bulk import

Before completing a bulk import, a CSV containing the users to be imported must be created in the format Form2 requires.

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and create a new document.
  2. In columns A and B enter ‘name’ and ’email’.
  3. Input the users name and email in the rows beneath. Make sure the spelling is correct and there are no spaces before or after in each as this could cause issues.
  4. Select File > Save as then from the dropdown list, select CSV. Do not save the file in the normal Excel format as this will not work when used to import. The file must be in CSV format.

Bulk import

  1. Click the green ‘+ Bulk import’ button.
  2. Select to enable the checkbox for ‘Use remote authentication (via SAML)’. This is important so the user can use their UoP login credentials.
  3. Select the blue ‘Choose File’ button. Find and select the CSV sheet that contains the list of users to include in the import.
  4. Under Roles, for tutors and students, do not select any roles. Roles are mainly useful for admin who will need to action certain tasks. Do not assign a role to anyone else without checking with Digital Education first. This is important due to data security.
  5. Under Groups, for tutors select ‘Academic Tutors’ or for students, select the relevant cohort group.
  6. Click Save.
  7. The imported users will now be able to login to Form2 using their UoP login credentials.
Updated on October 7, 2021

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