The below guidance will give an overview of areas in SparkForms available for staff with administrative permissions.
Home Page
Once you have logged into SparkForms you will be taken to the home page. As an admin user, you will have an additional option on the menu called ‘Administration’ which will provide access to the admin pages.
Forms are separated into areas called ‘Workspaces’. The available workspaces will be dependent on the level of access and the programmes you are involve with. To change workspaces you can select the dropdown under the main menu and select a different workspace.
Navigating the ‘Administration’ pages
Once inside the ‘Administration’ page and the relevant workspace, you can navigate the various admin sections via the left menu. Options available here will be dependent on your level of access and the data shown here will be dependent on the workspace you are in (e.g. forms / users). Some of the key sections have been outlined below.
This section provides a snapshot of information relating to the workspace. You can see ‘Forms Awaiting Approval’, forms with ‘Recent status changes’ and a count of the forms, submissions, users and groups.
This section shows all forms in the workspace along with key information related to that form. A search bar is available to search for a specific form by name. By default only 25 forms are shown per page, you can use the ‘Show x per page’ dropdown at the bottom of the page to see more forms on a single page, alternatively you can use the ‘Next’ and ‘Prev’ buttons to navigate through pages.
This section lists all users in Form² with their details, roles (e.g. Administrator) and groups they belong to. From here you can assign users to a group.
This section lists all groups in SparkForms along with a summary of the members in each group. Select a group to open the record and see which users are assigned to the group. From here you can create, edit and delete groups, and assign or un-assign users from a group.