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How to use filters on submissions in Form²

An explanation of filters

A filter is a condition we can apply to submissions to show only submissions that meet that condition. Within Form2 there are four different types of submissions we can apply: Field, Distribution, Group and Date. This article will walk through each of the filters and explain how they can be used. By using the different filters available, you can ensure you view/export only relevant submissions and don’t have to manipulate the data after it has been exported.

Applying a filter

  1. Select the form you would like to export submission data from.
  2. Select the ‘Submissions’ tab.
  3. On this tab, you can see all submissions made for this form in the ‘Results’ section, whilst the filters are shown at the top of the tab in the ‘Filters’ section.

Filter: By field

This allows you to apply a filter based on the value of a field within the form. The results from the filter will only show submissions that hold the value.

  1. Select the ‘By Field’ filter.
  2. In the first field, select the field you want to apply the filter to.

The field name is the system name in the form.

  1. In the second box choose the type of comparison for the value of the field.

    The options are:
    Has value: The value of the field must equal the value set in the third box.
    Has any value: There must be any value in the field (including not a hidden field).
    Has no value: There must be no value in the field.
    If the second box is set to ‘Has value’ you will need to enter the expected value in the third box (the value is case-sensitive).

If the field has pre-set options, the value in the third box must equal the expected value exactly. Any change in capitalisation will affect the filter (e.g. option = ‘U’, setting ‘u’ will cause the filter to not work as expected).

  1. Click OK.
  2. Click on the blue ‘Apply’ button.

Any submissions that show in the ‘Results’ section will now meet the conditions set in the filter.

If you set the value incorrectly or the value does not match the values in the form, there will be no results.

To remove the filter and show all submissions in the ‘Results’ section, select the red ‘clear’ button.

Filter: By distribution

The distribution filter allows you to filter submissions by the way the form was distributed.

  1. Select the ‘By Distribution’ filter.
  2. Select the type of distribution, then ‘Apply’.
  3. To clear the filter, select the red ‘Clear’ button.

Filter: By group

The group filter allows you to filter submissions by a particular group.

  1. Select the ‘By Group’ filter.
  2. Select the group, then ‘Apply’.
  3. To clear the filter, select the red ‘Clear’ button.

Filter: By date

The date filter allows you to filter submissions to show those submitted between two dates.

If you want to filter the date that is within a form, use the ‘By Field’ filter.

  1. Select the ‘By Date’ filter.
  2. Enter the start date, then the end date if suitable also set the time.
  3. Select the blue ‘Apply’ button.
  4. To clear the filter, select the red ‘Clear’ button.
Updated on October 7, 2021
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