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Using the Workshop activity in Moodle

The Workshop activity in Moodle is a powerful tool which allows both self-assessment and peer assessment on an electronic submission of work. Students submit their work and receive two grades: one for their own work submitted and assessed by their peers and one for their own assessment of another student’s work.

Peer Assessment is an activity where students assess their peers’ assignments based on their teacher’s marking criteria. It allows students to reflect on both their own practice, and apply their own critique to their peer’s work both developing their reflective and evaluation skills.

How does it work?

There are five phases within the Workshop activity:

1. Setup

During this phase the teacher sets up the Workshop activity including the grading strategy, availability of phases and the assessment settings.

2. Submission

In the submission phase students submit their work electronically. The teacher can restrict the availability of the submission phase for a specific time frame by setting a submission start date and time and a submission end date.

3. Assessment

During the assessment phase, the students access and mark the electronic submissions allocated to them for the peer review. As with the submission phase, the teacher can restrict the time frame for the assessment phase.

4. Grading/Evaluation

This phase calculates the final grades for the submitted work and the assessments. The teacher can manually override calculated grades and provide the students with feedback on the work they submitted and the grading they did.

5. Closure/conclusion

This phase closes the peer assessment process, releases grades to the students and provides an opportunity for the teacher to summarise the process.

Updated on December 1, 2022
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