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Why can’t my students see the grades and feedback I released?

There are usually 2 reasons why your students can’t see the grades and feedback you have released:

  • The grades and feedback release process has not worked as expected. In the status column next to each student it should say ‘released’ if it says anything else (marking completed, ready for release etc) the grades and feedback haven’t been released and so the grades will not have transferred to UNIT-e (and won’t be visible to students either). Follow these instructions on releasing grades and feedback (link to existing KB article here).
  • The grades and feedback have been released but the anonymity is still on. If you release the grades and feedback but don’t reveal the student identities as the first step this can prevent students seeing it. Go to the submission page, go to the grading action box and choose ‘reveal student identities’ once this is done you will need to release the grades and feedback again.
Updated on December 7, 2021
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