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Why can I not share my Mentimeter presentation with other staff members?


Mentimeter is a cloud-based polling tool to interact with students through presentations in real-time using a mobile phone or other device connected to the internet.

In addition to student participation, Mentimeter presentations can be also shared with other staff members for collaboration purposes, however, you might experience the following issue occurring:

‘[e-mail address of the staff member] is not a Team member and could not be invited.’

Screenshot of the display of the error message (highlighted) related to sharing a presentation for collaboration within Mentimeter.

It might also say that you would need to contact your subscription owner, Digital Education.

How to resolve the following issue?

The following issue occurs as the person with who you would like to share your presentation does not have a PRO licence Mentimeter account. He or she might have a UoP account that is being used for Mentimeter access, however, if it is not updated to a PRO licence, the system will not recognise him or her as a member of the team.

To resolve the issue, please ask the person to access Mentimeter through the DLE and upgrade his or her account to a PRO licence which is free for all staff members. Please read the following supporting material for more information.

In addition to sharing a presentation for collaboration purposes, you might want the person to be able to have a copy of the resource under his or her account. Please read the following supporting material for more information.

Updated on November 7, 2022

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