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  3. Using the ‘Switch role to…’ feature in Moodle (if you are a Teacher)

Using the ‘Switch role to…’ feature in Moodle (if you are a Teacher)

Switching temporarily to another role

The switch roles feature allows a user to switch temporarily to another role from the user menu ‘Switch role to…’ so that they can see what the course would look like to someone with that role. This is a great feature for a tutor wanting to see what a course looks like from the student’s perspective.

Switch roles - DLE

Switching roles is not perfect because you remain the same user, and your user may not have features like grades, which will make some student views look different than a real student might see. To get an 100% accurate view, the best thing to do is create a test student account and enrol it in your course. It is useful to have this logged-in on another browser so you can quickly switch back and forth.

Updated on June 26, 2023
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