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How can I create questionnaires/surveys for my students?


There might be occasions when you would need to provide a questionnaire/survey for your students for different purposes, such as:

  • receiving feedback from your students about your module (module evaluation), or
  • collecting other data from your students, such as signing up for a project or competition.

There are various tools that you can use for creating and sharing a form with your students, however, please note that for module evaluation, the University has a tool named EvaSys, which has to be used for this purpose. For more information about the process and EvaSys, please read the following article.

Available tools

As we said, there are various tools you can use for creating and sharing a form with your students, but please make sure you select the tool that would align the most with the purpose and the goals of the questionnaire/survey.

Jisc Online Survey

Jisc Online Survey is one of our recommended tools which will allow you to create a form with some advanced features:

  • design elements, such as custom logo, choice of question types, customisable themes, completion options, importing/exporting other surveys, and many more;
  • distributing elements, such as setting up password and access control, auto-close option, sharing on social media, and many more; and
  • analytical elements, such as benchmarking groups, live monitoring of responses, filtering and response exclusion, data export, and many more.

For more information about the available features within this tool, please visit their official website.

Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms is another recommended tool which contains more simple features:

  • design elements, such as customisable theme and background, enabling progress chart, and customisable thank you messages;
  • distributing elements, such as setting up access controls, auto-close option, sharing with others for collaboration, setting up multi-languages, and many more;
  • analytical elements, such as live monitoring of responses, filtering and response exclusion, data export, and many more.

For more information about the available features within this tool, please visit their official website.

Moodle Feedback

Moodle Feedback activity is our third recommended tool which you can use to create a form. Features include:

  • design elements, choice of question types, customisable templates (with pre-added questions for example related to self declarations),
  • distributing elements, such as setting up access controls, auto-close option, sharing with others for collaboration, and many more.
  • analytical elements, such as live monitoring of responses, filtering and response exclusion, data export, and many more.

For more information about the available features within this tool, please visit Moodle documentation.

Updated on December 1, 2022
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