What is Moodle? Moodle is the University's virtual learning environment and the central system where students access their course materials.
Turnitin settings in an Moodle assignment Turnitin allows tutors and students to check how much of the submission content is original. This is an educational and awareness tool which enables students to check whether they are correctly referencing. It can only be used through a Moodle online submission
How do students access their feedback in Turnitin Feedback Studio? In this article, we will show you how students can access their feedback in Feedback Studio.
Adding User overrides to a Moodle quiz In this article, we will show you how to override the time restrictions for students who require additional time to fill out a quiz (in-class test) in the DLE.
What is Turnitin feedback studio? An introduction and over-view of the different marking tools available within Turnitin Feedback Studio.
Creating and using meaningful links This guide provides information on how to create meaningful links and why they should be used.
PDF Document not OCRed Ally provides a list of accessibility issues relating to content on Moodle. This guide provides guidance on how to fix PDF documents that are showing to be Not OCRed.
Adding Metadata; title and tags to a PDF This guide will show you how to open PDFs in MS Word and how to add additional Metadata such as a title and tags. Metadata makes the file more searchable for students.
How to add alt text to images, in Microsoft Word This guide provides instruction on how to add alt text to images in Microsoft Word. This will make your document more accessible to students using assistive technology.