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My student doesn’t have access to my Moodle course

Students need to be fully enrolled on the Module and they will get automatic access to the corresponding Moodle site.

Students will see any courses they are enrolled on in the ‘my courses’ list on the Moodle dashboard. If your student does not see the Moodle courses they should they will need to check their enrolment status with the Faculty.

It can take 24 hours (sometimes 48 at busy times of the year) after the student has enrolled for Moodle to show the courses, so it is important to check when enrolment was completed.

A temporary work around is that students can view static content, documents, PPTs etc on the Moodle course if they search for it or are provided a link. However, they will not be able to do anything interactive such as quizzes, forums, submissions etc until fully enrolled.

Updated on December 7, 2021
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