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How to add an empty submission point to your Moodle course


Moodle assignments can be used for formative and summative assessments to evaluate student understanding of course material within a semester.

There might be occasions when these assignments would take place outside of the DLE, such as group or presentation projects, but you would like to administrate the given grades and feedback inside Moodle to be able to transfer them to the UNIT-e without the need to manually upload/enter them in the Markbook. In this case, you can create empty submission points as placeholders.

In this article, we will show you how to add an empty submission point to your Moodle course.

How to add an empty submission point

To add an empty submission point to your Moodle course, please follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your Moodle account and select the course where you would like to add an empty ‘Assignment’ activity.
  2. Click on the ‘Edit mode’ toggle switch and then select a section where the submission point will be located.
  3. Click on the ‘Add an activity or resource’ button and then choose ‘Assignment’ from the pop-up window.
  4. A new page will be shown where you can customise the settings of the activity.

How to set up an empty submission point

In terms of the setup of an empty submission point, please follow the steps below.


In the ‘General’ section, you can give a useful name and description to the activity. You do not need to get into details as the activity will not be shown to your students.

Screenshot of the general settings (highlighted) under a submission point.


In the ‘Availability’ section, you can define the time frame for the activity.

Please note that even though your students will not submit work, you still need to select an open (’Allow submissions from’) and close date (’Due date’) for the assignment, otherwise, the grades will fail to transfer to UNIT-e. Please also note, we highly recommend the ‘Due date’ to be a date in the far future, after the grades have been released as otherwise, the grades would have a ‘late’ tag in UNIT-e which manually needs to be taken off. For example, it could be the end date of the module. It does not matter what date you apply as long as it is after the date you wish to release the grades to your students in the DLE (Moodle).

Screenshot of the time frame settings (highlighted) under a submission point.

Submission types

In the ‘Submission types’ section, please make sure you untick all the boxes, including ‘File submissions’, ‘Video Assignment’, and ‘Online text’ as your students will not submit their work via the DLE.

Screenshot of the submission types settings (highlighted) under a submission point.


In the ‘Grade’ section, you can define the grading strategy that you have used for this particular assessment, such as numerical value, also known as ‘Points’, or ‘Scales’, such as ‘Pass/Fails’.

Please make sure you set the ‘Blind marking (Anonymous)’ setting to ‘No’ as otherwise, the student identities would be hidden from you and therefore, you will need to reveal them to be able to upload the grades to the DLE.

Screenshot of the grade settings (highlighted) under a submission point.

Common module settings

Please make sure you hide this activity from your students as they will not submit work to Moodle. For this, you will need to change the setting ‘Availability’ to ‘Hide from students’.

In the ‘Common module settings’ section, please make sure you select an assessment placeholder from the drop-down list where it says ‘Link to UNIT-e’ as the grades would be transferred to this specific folder in the student record system.

Screenshot of the module settings (highlighted) under a submission point.

Last step

As the last step, please make sure you click on the ‘Save and display’ or on the ‘Save and return to course’ button to finalise your action.

How to upload grades to an empty submission point

Once you are done with the setup process, you can then enter the grades you have given to your students. You can do this by using the blue ‘Grade’ button that appears next to each student. For more information about this process, please read the following article.

Please make sure you also release the grades and the feedback you provided for your students the same way as you would do in a regular ‘Assignment’ activity, but without notifying them about these changes. For more information about this process, please read the following article.

Updated on May 10, 2024
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