Using the Lesson activity in Moodle Lesson is an activity in Moodle which allows tutors to create a series of content and questions pages.
What is H5P? H5P is an activity in Moodle which enables you to quickly create rich and interactive content for your courses.
Using the Group Choice activity The Group Choice activity allows students to enrol themselves in a group within a Moodle course which can then be used for later activities or releasing certain content.
Adding an activity or resource in Moodle with the activity chooser The activity chooser appears when the editing is turned on in a course and you click the link 'Add an activity or resource'.
Using the Checklist activity in Moodle The Checklist activity allows a teacher to create checklists for their students to work through.
Feedback types in Moodle Feedback must be given to students in a timely fashion. Moodle has different options to align with your preferences and processes.
Using the Panopto activity to link to videos The Panopto activity lets you add video links on the main (central) Moodle page. The main advantage of using this over the Panopto block is that it lets you place videos within the sections they are most relevant, rather than placing all the videos in one place. This makes it easier for students to link the video contents to specific lessons.